Exploring Maine

This is the story of our year exploring the state parks of Maine.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Hello Blogging World!
Let me explain the purpose of this blog and a little intro us.

I am Caitlin (Cait), 25 y/o, Mumma to 3 (Keenan Jr, Charlotte and Kennedy), Married to Keenan Sr. Keenan and I have been married 6 years now. I am a Navy Veteran and just moved back to my home state of Maine. I am working at the VA which is great as I have a normal work week, weekend and federal holidays off. I am Crafty make random things like tutu's, things out of Duck tape, crocheting and I sew. I am an avid reader with my Nook in tow.

Keenan Sr, 27 y/o, Gamer and Stay at home Dad. In to NCAA football and basketball.

Keenan Jr (KJ, Little Buddy), 5 y/o, in Pre-K, loves cars, trains, Mickey Mouse and the color yellow. He is an awesome big brother and just a great kid, big heart. He has a speech, gross motor and sensory processing delays (is currently being evaluated for ASD).

Charlotte (Char, Girly, Princess), 3 y/o, loves dolls, Minnie Mouse, her bankie and the color pink. Char is such a little princess and is very talkative. She is our Murphy, if anyone could fall and get hurt it will be Char.

Kennedy (Ken, Baby Girl, Bug), 1 y/o, Cuddle Bug! She is becoming her on little person, personality really starting to grow. Can’t say much yet but sure let you know when she feels the need.

This year for Christmas my father and Stepmother gave the family a yearlong State park pass. The state of Maine has 36 State Parks and 15 Historic Sites. Also one National Park. Our goal is to visit all of them in 2012. We are set and ready for adventure!

So here is the list in alphabetical order:

State Parks

1.     Allagash Wilderness Waterway State Park
2.     Aroostook State Park
3.     Baxter State Park
4.     Birch Point State Park
5.     Bradbury Mountain State Park
6.     Camden Hills State Park
7.     Cobscook Bay State Park
8.     Crescent Beach State Park
9.     Damariscotta Lake State Park
10.   Ferry Beach State Park
11.   Fort Point State Park
12.   Grafton Notch State Park
13.   Holbrook Island Sanctuary State Park
14.   Lake St. George State Park
15.   Lamoine State Park
16.   Lily Bay State Park
17.   Moose Point State Park
18.   Mount Blue State Park
19.   Owls Head State Park
20.   Peacock Beach State Park
21.   Peaks-Kenny State Park
22.   Penobscot River Corridor
23.   Popham Beach State Park
24.   Quoddy Head State Park
25.   Range Ponds State Park
26.   Rangeley Lake State Park
27.   Reid State Park
28.   Roque Bluffs State Park
29.   Shackford Head State Park
30.   Sebago Lake State Park
31.   Swan Lake State Park
32.   Swans Falls Campground
33.   Two Lights State Park
34.   Vaughan Woods State Park
35.   Warren Island State Park
36.   Wolfe's Neck Woods State Park
Historic Sites
1.     Bible Point State Historic Site
2.     Colburn House State Historic Site
3.     Colonial Pemaquid State Historic Site
4.     Eagle Island
5.     Fort Edgecomb
6.     Fort Halifax
7.     Fort Kent
8.     Fort Knox
9.     Fort McClary State Historic Site
10.   Fort O'Brien
11.   Fort Popham
12.   John Paul Jones State Historic Site
13.   Storer Garrison State Historic Site
14.   Katahdin Iron Works
15.   Whaleback Shell Midden
National Parks
1.    Acadia National Park